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What's On

Your summer at Hotel Eden Roc

Are you curious about what the summer has in store for you at the Hotel Eden Roc? Find out in our summer brochure how we explore new horizons together on Lake Maggiore, follow the sounds and colours of Ticino and discover Ascona from unique perspectives - enjoy reading!

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What's On

«Immagini del Momento»
Photo exhibition

April 28, 2024 - July 31, 2024

From April to July, Casa Epper is showing an exhibition about Carlo Riva's revolutionary boats. Experience the elegance and Italian bellezza through Olaf Tamm's photographs. A glimpse into the elegant lifestyle of the 60s and 70s on the Mediterranean.


What's On

Serata Ticinese

June 4, 2024 - September 17, 2024

Authentic Ticinese sharing platters, polenta fresh and regional wines are your companions for atmospheric summer evenings in Ascona. Get up close with the tradition and culture of the region in our cosy pergola.

Grill Marina

What's On

BBQ by the Lake

June 14, 2024 - August 9, 2024

Experience summer evenings on Lake Maggiore in a new way: Fresh grilled specialities, refreshing cocktails and a pure beach club feeling await you here. Let the DJ beats and Mediterranean flavours whisk you away to a world full of enjoyment and music.

HER La Casetta-7026

What's On

Dinner by the lake

July 12, 2024 - August 16, 2024

Want to dine in a breathtaking surrounding on Lake Maggiore? Our Dinner by the Lake nights promise an exquisite fish menu accompanied by spectacular views from the hotel’s jetty.

1st August Celebrations

What's On

1 August celebrations to mark Swiss National Day

August 1, 2024

A reason to celebrate - because on 1 August is Swiss National Day. And we celebrate it in a very traditional way: with Swiss breakfast, Champagne aperitif, alpine horn players and many other small surprises.

Piazza Day Time © LocarnoFilmFestival

What's On

Locarno Film Festival

August 7, 2024 - August 17, 2024

The renowned Locarno Film Festival will take place from 7 to 17 August 2024. During this time, the Piazza Grande will be transformed into the most beautiful open-air cinema. Producers, directors and actors who come to Locarno to present their films walk the red carpet and add a touch of glamour to the festival. A highlight in the festival calendar!


What's On

Exhibition «Looking for miracles»

August 18, 2024 - September 28, 2024

From August to September, Casa Epper is showing “Looking for Miracles” by Stefan Daniel. Immerse yourself in fascinating installations and photographs that illuminate the ambivalent relationship between man and nature.

4-Hands-Dinner mit Kevin-Romes

What's On

4-Hands-Dinner with Kevin Romes

August 25, 2024

Chef Marco Campanella presents an exclusive 6-course menu together with Kevin Romes (Restaurant Skin's, Lenzburg). Their unique creativity is reflected in every dish. A highlight for every gourmet to be remembered.

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What's On

Champagne Dinner

September 20, 2024

A 6-course menu specially created by Marco Campanella, accompanied by the exquisite champagnes of Louis Roederer, forms the core of this special evening.

Mercato - Ascona - 1 (© Ascona-Locarno Tourism - foto Alessio Pizzicannella)

What's On

Autumn Festival

October 5, 2024

The autumn festival offers a unique opportunity to experience the atmosphere of Ticino with its customs, professions and traditions, just as it once was. A typical market with handmade products and regional specialities rounds off the festival.

Festa delle Castagne - Ascona - 3 (© Ascona-Locarno Tourism - foto Alessio Pizzicannella)

What's On

Chestnut Festival

October 12, 2024

The popular chestnut festival in Ascona is a must for chestnut lovers! The crackling of the fire and the aroma of sizzling chestnuts under the watchful eyes of the "Maronatt" experts create an irresistible atmosphere. Market stalls selling locally made gifts line the lakeshore.

Parco delle Camelie - Locarno - 7 (© Ascona-Locarno Tourism - foto Alessio Pizzicannella)

What's On

Locarno Camellia exhibition

March 19, 2025 - March 23, 2025

Camelie Locarno is one of the most important European events of its kind and takes place annually in the magnificent Camellia Park Locarno. Visitors can admire almost 1000 camellia species in the park and around 200 more in the exhibition. The event is accompanied by various side events and activities.


What's On

Eventi letterari Monte Verità

April 10, 2025 - April 13, 2025

Visit the 13th edition of the literary festival in Ascona. Renowned writers, poets and intellectuals will come together on the historic Monte Verità to present their latest works and discuss current issues in the literary world.