Discover the world of Moving Mountains, our holistic lifestyle programme designed to help you restore vitality, reconnect with nature and celebrate joy.
Our star-studded chefs have collaborated with renowned nutritionist, Rhaya Jordan, to create plant-based Moving Mountain menus; prepared with an honest respect for nutrient-dense ingredients (carefully selected for their health benefits and free from processed flours and sugars), rooted in the sense of place of the Swiss mountains and celebrating a truly nourishing and joyous deliciousness.
Rhaya brings over thirty years of experience as a qualified naturopath, nutritionist and herbalist and, before branching out to work one-on-one with clients, was a Senior Lecturer in Health Sciences, teaching Anatomy, Clinical Skills, Nutrition, Biochemistry and Complimentary Therapies at the University of Westminster, London.
Whole, fresh, nutrient-dense food. We take the nature that surrounds us and bring it to your plate – fresh, clean and prepared to preserve or improve its nutritional value. Look out for locally-inspired healing foods with medicinal qualities, wild foraged foods and fresh seasonal ingredients.
Working with the latest developments in nutritional research. The latest science on the gut microbiome and immune resilience are reflected in the menu through our choice of ingredients and in their preparation. Plant-based, replacing refined sugar and white flour with complex sugars (such as local tree syrups) and whole grains. Every delicious mouthful works to improve health.
A plant-based approach to cooking. To meet our nutritional standards, vegetables and fruit receive pride of place in our cooking and the foundations of all our dishes are entirely plant-based. Suggested game, meat, fish and cheeses can then be added upon request.
Taste and flavour govern every decision and underpin our approach. We have been led astray by the false assumptions that food is either comforting and delicious or healthy. To build resilience and health, food must give joy as well as nourishment.
Please note our Play Experiences can only be booked in conjunction with an overnight stay at one of our hotels.
Wagyu beef – delivered on skis? Stranger things have happened. At the Valsana Hotel in Arosa, it is the farm shop 7099 Egga – more precisely, the three Hitz sisters who run it – who are responsible for bringing this vision to life.
With “Nourish”, one of the five pillars of Moving Mountains, we want to provide the body with proper, local, plant-based nutrition to encourage regeneration. This is a brilliant concept to integrate into your kitchen this holiday se...