Wanna keep a cool head?

Being cool looks good on us – and on you. With that in mind, here are our top five tips for cooling off this summer.

Being cool looks good on us – and on you. With that in mind, here are our top five tips for cooling off this summer.


Jump in at the deep end.

Literally! What could be more refreshing than cool, deep blue mountain lakes of Arosa? It’s always worth daring to take the plunge – and it has many benefits for the body, too. 


Chasing the summit.

The forest is not the only place where refreshing coolness lies in store. There’s plenty of it to be found high up in the mountains, too – at over 2,900 meters, to be exact. The air at the beautiful ‘Gipfelkreuzen’ (summit crosses) is crystal-clear.


Fresh breeze.

Our spectacular mountain landscape lends itself equally well to expeditions on two wheels – where you can always rely on a fresh breeze to provide the necessary cooling. 


An ice-cold Cocktail.

On the rocks, please! Our terrace is the perfect place to enjoy first-class cocktails and soft drinks while drinking in spectacular views of the mountain landscape. 


Games of light and shadow.

Of course, the most natural giver of shade is nature itself. The dense forests in and around Arosa are perfect for a relaxing stroll away from the rays of the hot summer sun.